Surgical Dressing Containing Silver

If surgical dressings are impregnated with or otherwise incorporate drugs, coding of the dressing is based on the other materials and features of the product without regard to the drug. This principle is applied to the coding of dressings containing silver. If the other material meets the definition of a dressing (e.g., gauze, foam), the product must be billed using one of those HCPCS codes. If the other material serves only to deliver silver to the wound and does not meet the definition of a dressing, the product must be billed with HCPCS code A9270, non-covered item or service. HCPCS code A4649 must not be used for silver-containing dressings. Questions concerning the coding of specific products should be directed to the SADMERC.

Published by Palmetto GBA as the SADMERC, December 4, 2003. Republished by Noridian as the PDAC, August 2008.  Republished by Palmetto GBA as the PDAC, January 2019.

Last Updated: 12/04/2003