HCPCS to Product and Service Code Crosswalk


2024 2023 2022
2021 2020 2019

Report Objective

The purpose of this report is to provide a crosswalk, as developed by PDAC, of procedure codes to product and service codes as well as a field indicating if the procedure code requires accreditation.

Date Report By

Report is current as of the beginning of the quarter.

Sorted By

HCPCS, Product and Service Code, Crosswalk Effective Date

Report Fields

Report Field Names Descriptions
HCPCS The five-digit alphanumeric HCPCS code for the supplies provided.
HCPCS Long Description The long description of the five-digit HCPCS code for the supplies provided.
Policy Group Number A numeric code that represents a grouping of procedure codes.
Policy Group Name The description of the policy group.
Product and Service Code An alphanumeric code representing a category of products and services.
Product and Service Code
The description of the alphanumeric product and service code.
Requires Accreditation (Y/N) Indicating (Y/N) if the identified HCPCS code requires accreditation per Change Requests (CR) 6556/7333/9371/9904.
Crosswalk Effective Date The effective date of the crosswalk.
Crosswalk End Date The end date, if applicable, of the crosswalk.
HCPCS Effective Date The most current date on which the procedure code became valid for submission.
HCPCS Termination Date The most current termination date for the identified procedure code.


A HCPCS code can be crosswalked to multiple Product and Service Codes. HCPCS codes with no Product and Service Code crosswalk are excluded.

{N/A} in the Policy Group Name field indicates there is no established name for this Policy Group Number.

Last Updated: 07/09/2024