Retired - MyoPro™ - Coding Reminder

Joint DME MAC Article

The MyoPro™ (Myomo, Inc.) is an upper extremity device that incorporates muscle sensors and an electric motor to augment patient-initiated movement. According to the company’s web site, the MyoPro is “designed to enable individuals to self-initiate and control movements of a partially paralyzed or weakened arm using their own muscle signals. When the user tries to bend their arm, sensors in the brace detect the weak muscle signal, which activates the motor to move the arm in the desired direction.”

Upon evaluation of this product, the DME MACs and the PDAC have determined that:

  • This item falls within the Durable Medical Equipment benefit category, not within the Braces benefit.
  • This device must be coded as A9300 – EXERCISE EQUIPMENT

Exercise equipment is non-covered by Medicare.  Claims for A9300 will be denied as non-covered (no Medicare benefit).

For questions about correct coding, contact the PDAC Contact Center at (877) 735-1326 during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday, or e-mail the PDAC by completing the DME PDAC Contact Form located on the PDAC website.


Revision History

Date Update
05/05/2014 Published on PDAC website
12/03/2014 Retired and Replaced


Last Updated: 05/05/2014