What is eServices?
Palmetto GBA's eServices is a free, internet-based, provider self-service secure application. Palmetto GBA’s goal is to give the provider secure and fast access to their Medicare information seamlessly via our website through the eServices application.
The eServices application provides information access over the web for the following online services:
- Eligibility
- Claims Status
- eClaim Submissions — available for Part B and Railroad Medicare providers
- Clerical Error Claim Reopening Requests — available for Part B providers
- Remittances Online
- Financial Information — payment floor, last three checks paid, and overpayment data
- Financial Forms — eOffset requests, eCheck payments and CMS-838 Credit Balance form (Part A and HHH only)
- Secure Forms — Appeals, Medical Review ADR Response form, Prior Authorization form (Part B only), Outpatient Prior Authorization (Part A only), Documentation Submission form (Part A only), and General Inquiry form
- eDelivery
- eReview — eCBR, eUtilization, eAudit, eRCD and eOPD
- Additional Claims Documentation form — available for Part B only
- MBI (Medicare Beneficiary Identifier) Lookup
- Billing Dispute Request Form (JJ Part A and JM Part A)
- Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) — available for JM home health providers in participating states
- Pre-Claim Review (PCR) — available for JM home health providers who chose the PCR option during their RCD selection period
- Roster Billing — available for Part B and Railroad Medicare providers
- ADR Status Dashboard — available for Part B Users
You can participate in eServices if you have a signed Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Enrollment Agreement on file with Palmetto GBA and have payment amounts on file or an access code.
eServices will generally be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, access to eServices does not guarantee that all functions will be available. Refer to the eServices User Manual (PDF) or the Support tab in eServices for specific availability information for each function.