If Your Medicare Patient Requires Scheduled Repetitive Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport, This Is Information You Need to Know

Published 01/15/2021

Mobility limitations often contribute to the certifying physician’s rationale for determining that "other methods of transportation are contraindicated" or that "transportation by ambulance is medically required." This two-sided card (PDF, 2 MB) can be printed and used as a pocket reference to refer to when completing documentation for Medicare beneficiaries that require Scheduled Repetitive Non-Emergent Ambulance transport. It describes, with examples, the two paths under which Medicare may cover this type of transport:

  • Path 1: The patient is bed-confined so all other methods of transportation are contraindicated
  • Path 2: Regardless of mobility, transportation is medically required for this patient

Note: As the ordering physician/practitioner, you are required to supply the ambulance supplier or beneficiary the Physician Certification Statement (PCS) as well as any other supporting documentation that supports medical necessity. Even if you are not the ordering physician, you are still required to supply documentation that will support the need for stretcher transport.

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