Diagnosis Code LookupFERAS and RAPS Error CodesTA1 Edit LookupAcceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2019Washington Publishing CompanyAcceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2017Acceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2016Acceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2018277 CA Edit LookupRequest for Input - Risk Adjustment Reports - Model Output Report and MAO-004 ReportRisk Adjustment System ReportsCARC LookupAcceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2020PC ACE Pro32Acceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2021RAPS Inbound Record LayoutAcceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 2022Risk Adjustment Data Entry ToolEDPS Edit LookupFERAS Edit LookupRAPS Edit LookupAcceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 20232015 Outpatient CPT HCPCS Excluded Services ListProcedure Codes for Edit 21950 ValidationAcceptable Physician Specialty Types Effective Payment Year 20242018 Outpatient CPT HCPCS Excluded Services List2019 Outpatient CPT HCPCS Excluded Services List