{"DID":"crit1a4b5d","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"05-23-2024 00:00","End Date":"05-27-2024 23:27","Content":"The Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.","URL":"","Target":null,"Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"crit23bc4e","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"03-20-2024 08:21","End Date":"03-31-2024 08:21","Content":"Join us for Spring Tour 2024: Columbia S.C. on April 2, 2024.","URL":"https://web.cvent.com/event/742e000a-81da-44bb-a8b9-e63fa849446c/summary","Target":"_blank","Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"crit2d1231","Sites":"Railroad Beneficiaries^Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"12-27-2024 11:32","End Date":"01-02-2025 05:33","Content":"The Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare Beneficiary Contact Center (BCC) will be closed on January 1, 2025, in observance of the New Year's Day holiday.","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"crit3c53c3","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"02-26-2023 06:00","End Date":"02-28-2023 13:15","Content":"Railroad Medicare: Provider Enrollment, Electronic Data Interchange Basics Webinar: February 28, 2023, 1PM EST","URL":"https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4108960/0EE03B2682B0A66F61916D8691AA1A00","Target":"_blank","Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"crit3caa43","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"12-23-2024 13:09","End Date":"12-25-2024 18:30","Content":"The Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed Tuesday, December 24, 2024, and Wednesday, December 25, 2024, in observance of the Christmas holidays.","URL":"","Target":null,"Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"crit3d3234","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"05-27-2022 13:36","End Date":"05-30-2022 21:36","Content":"The Palmetto GBA Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed Monday, May 30, 2022, in observance of Memorial Day","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"yes"}, {"DID":"crit4d5bec","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"01-03-2024 14:43","End Date":"01-06-2024 14:43","Content":"Due to a system issue identified January 3, 2024, payments dated January 4 and January 5, 2024, will be delayed. Claims and payments originally scheduled for payment these days will now be paid January 8, 2024.","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"yellow","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"yes"}, {"DID":"critc4424a","Sites":"JJA^JJB^JMA^JMB^JMHHH^Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"01-08-2025 11:35","End Date":"01-10-2025 08:00","Content":"Thursday, January 9, 2025, has been declared as day of mourning in the loss of President James Earl Carter, Jr. As a result, no Medicare payments will be issued for Thursday, January 9, 2025. Payments will resume Friday, January 10, 2025.","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"yellow","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"yes"}, {"DID":"critd13a1b","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"12-27-2024 11:32","End Date":"01-02-2025 05:33","Content":"The Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed on January 1, 2025, in observance of the New Year's Day holiday.","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"critd334c4","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"01-14-2025 08:12","End Date":"01-20-2025 19:00","Content":"The Palmetto GBA Railroad Medicare Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.","URL":"","Target":null,"Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"critd33e12","Sites":"JJA^JJB^JMA^JMB^JMHHH^Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"02-20-2025 16:51","End Date":"02-24-2025 08:00","Content":"Due to scheduled maintenance, the eServices portal will be unavailable on Sunday, 2/23/25, from 10:00AM ET to 10:00PM ET.","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"red","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"yes"}, {"DID":"crite321e5","Sites":"Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"01-21-2025 14:26","End Date":"01-23-2025 17:30","Content":"Call volume may be higher than normal due to inclement weather. To get faster service, please use our self-service tools available on our website and IVR.","URL":"","Target":"_self","Color":"yellow","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}, {"DID":"crite35ca3","Sites":"Railroad Beneficiaries^Railroad Medicare","Start Date":"02-16-2024 14:21","End Date":"02-16-2024 16:30","Content":"The Palmetto GBA RRB SMAC Provider Contact Center (PCC) will be open and available to take your calls on President's Day, Monday, February 19, 2024.","URL":"","Target":null,"Color":"blue","Mode":"Standard\n","Priority":"no"}
IVR Conversion Tool
Published 07/18/2022
This IVR conversion tool was created to assist providers in entering the PTAN, beneficiary's Medicare number or name into the IVR. In the fields below, simply type in the PTAN, Medicare number or the first six letters of the beneficiary’s last name exactly as they appear (including the #) in the corresponding box below. Then, press the translate button and the tool will automatically convert the information entered into the numbers/characters that are required by the IVR
Be sure to write down the conversion numbers before calling the IVR. Keep it prominent for future IVR calls.
Tip: Using a speakerphone when in the IVR can interfere with using the various functions.
PTAN Number Converter
IVR Converted Value:
Medicare Number Converter
IVR Converted Value:
Beneficiary Name Converter
IVR Converted Value:
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