What do I do if I did not receive my profile verification email?

Published 03/03/2025

Once you register or update your profile, you will receive an email with a link to validate your access. Make sure that you are logged out of your account before clicking on the link in your email. Once this is completed, you will be able to log into eServices. If you do not click on the validation link and you try to log in, you will see your profile screen where you can update or correct your email address and submit.

If you do not receive your profile verification email, and you have verified that your email address is correct, please add our email address to your safe senders list. Your company’s email security settings may also need to be updated to allow incoming emails from Palmetto GBA. You may then use the Verify My Profile button to have another email sent.

The email address you will be receiving the validation email from is: ops.no.reply@palmettogba.com.

The process of receiving the email may take a while and is based on your email client configuration and the security configuration of your network. You may have to refresh your inbox to make sure all emails have been received.

If you still do not receive your profile validation email, please contact your Medicare contractor for further assistance. Please make sure your email address is correct on your profile before calling Palmetto GBA for assistance.

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